An illustrations show quotes, ideas, and images from all the stories in issue number 7 of Pipe Wrench. Text that appears includes "Gender is unmappable," "Binaries are a colonial construction of control," "Queerness has always existed, even when it crashes against the limits of language," "To be recognized as Two Spirit is to be a storyteller," "To be trans is to reimagine the self, to shake free from colonialist fictions" and "Pakistan is the only Muslim country to grant recognition and protection to transgender people, but even so, life for the khwaja sira is tenuous, even within the community."

Bethany Kaylor
no. 7, The Nonbinary Issue
Summer 2022

Mapping No. 7

Watch the conversation unfold: It’s the entirety of Pipe Wrench no. 7,
interpreted on one screen by a visual notetaker. Go ahead — click on something.

An illustrations show quotes, ideas, and images from all the stories in issue number 7 of Pipe Wrench. Text that appears includes "Gender is unmappable," "Binaries are a colonial construction of control," "Queerness has always existed, even when it crashes against the limits of language," "To be recognized as Two Spirit is to be a storyteller," "To be trans is to reimagine the self, to shake free from colonialist fictions" and "Pakistan is the only Muslim country to grant recognition and protection to transgender people, but even so, life for the khwaja sira is tenuous, even within the community."

Bethany Kaylor is a writer and illustrator living in the Bay Area. She grew up in Cincinnati and attended university in the Pacific Northwest. She is a sucker for stories, dogs, puns (good or bad), and pictograms.

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