The only way to make a better thing is together.
Be a part of Pipe Wrench. Choose your own adventure:

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Your yearly or monthly payments nudge an indie magazine toward long-term sustainability, creating more well-paid opportunities for more writers and artists.

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Donations help us pay the bills and raise our freelancer rates. Donate now, or contact us to talk about larger sponsorships —

Barter a skill!

Have more time than money? That works for us. We’ll gladly take your opinions or skills in exchange for membership; there’s lots to be done around here.

Pipe Wrench is a 501(c)3 organization, so memberships and donations are fully tax-deductible in the U.S.

Make a one-time donation, any amount:

Donations are securely processed by Stripe, and go directly to paying contributors fair market rates and starting to pay our editorial staff. If you’d prefer, you can also give via PayPal.

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