Don’t get the newsletter via email? Here’s the one from Tuesday, April 6, 2021. If you’d like the email, sign up here!
Niew niew niew niewwwww.
Because we publish issue one next week so it’s the final countdown, do you get it, PLEASE LAUGH AT OUR JOKES, WE ARE OVERTIRED AND MISS YOUR VERY SPECIFIC LAUGH.
We could write about how our pre-launch subscriber drive went (we got close, and maybe it’s still going on a little!) or our PR plan for spreading the word about our first issue (in progress!) or the intense combination of excitement and nerves we are collectively experiencing (whoa!) or how fun it is to lay all the pieces out and create links and connections that will move you through the conversation (very!).
But we will not, because did we mention that we PUBLISH NEXT WEEK, and there are not very many of us and no one on the Pipe Wrench masthead is full time at this point or gets paid at all — everything goes to contributors and infrastructure right now — and we have not figured out how to make the day 37 hours long (thank god), plus we are so busy that we couldn’t even pause to break up this very long sentence with some terminal punctuation.
When you get this newsletter next week, it will be publication day, April 13, and you will open it to find a largely blank page that says only, “Look, a magazine!”

The week in Pipe Wrench.
- All of the things, see above.
- In preparing this newsletter, Catherine and Michelle had a Serious Business Conversation about which consonants we use to sing the instrumental parts of songs. Please reply and let us know if you sing guitar and synth parts* out loud using the letter D, the letter N, or something else entirely (unorthodox! refreshing!) and/or your preferred vowels.
(*After extensive discussion and testing, Michelle has determined that horns and basses use a B sound or in rare cases a P, galloping and downtuned metal basslines can use a Ch, and F sounds are acceptable for higher-pitched wind instruments.)
And as always: tell your friends and families and people standing six feet away from you on line at the grocery store about Pipe Wrench. Next week there’ll actually be something to read!

And now, a sneak peek.
Issue one is anchored by a critical essay on collective grief, Covid-19, and white supremacy called “Seeing in the Dark” by Breai Mason-Campbell, a dancer, educator, and activist from Baltimore, Maryland. We asked her to write the essay that she felt like she needed to read right now, and to swing for whatever fences she felt comfortable swinging for. She took us at our word, and swung hard. We’re thrilled.
That’s all you get! See you next week, with a whole magazine. We cannot wait.