no. 5, Winter 2022
The Movie Theater Issue

Feature Story
Making Concessions: A Tale of Capitalism, Control, and Snacks
Marsha Gordon
High movie concession prices turn us all into popcorn smugglers. On capitalism, control, and what it means to link art and snacking.
Conversation Pieces
The House Lights Will Come Down Again
s.e. smith
In the Dark, I’m Not Fat and You’re Not Mean
Michelle Weber
The Thrifty Moviegoer’s Fashion Guide
Sarah Oh
Nicole Kidman’s AMC Theaters Ad: The Extended Version
Mia Mercado
The Projectionist
Corey Atad
A Movie and/is a Prayer
Naz Riahi
A Corn Allergy? In This Economy?
Arikia Milliman
A Palace for the People
Rebecca May Johnson
The Establishment Owes Me a Snickers
Soraya Roberts
The Medicinal Power of Movie Snacks
Sara Benincasa