Issue Four
October/November 2021

Apocalypse, Now? A Radical Rethinking of the Book of Revelation
words by Emily Manthei
art by Becca Thorne
7,134 words (a 31-minute read)

Anmol Irfan, “Closer to My Religion”
Brendan Ousley, “Songs in the Key of Doom: A Playlist”
Chrissy Stroop, “Goodbye, End Times”
Gwen Manthei, “A Reading from the Book of Mom”
Joshua Gutterman Tranen, “Feeling Messianic”
Katie Goh, “A Fictional Life Raft for Surviving What Comes Next”
Kel Coleman, “The End, The End, The End”
Laura Jenkinson-Brown, “The Seven Seals”
Taylor Byas, “Thy Father, Thy Mother”