On Rejection, and Rejecting

Because something is better than nothing, and it’s not hard to be kind.

Don’t get the newsletter via email? Here’s the newsletter from Tuesday, February 23, 2021. If you’d like the email, sign up here!

Here’s a great thing about the Pipe Wrench model: we get to be picky, always selecting for the stories that are too specific or too off-kilter or too (insert adjective here) for other publications. The story doesn’t have to fit into a larger issue, because it IS the issue.

Here’s a hard thing about the Pipe Wrench model: we have one big story per issue and issues publish every two months, which means we can assign six stories a year (although we hope to be able to grow into a monthly).

Which means saying no. A lot.

Continue reading “On Rejection, and Rejecting”

Why Have a Director of Sustainability?

Miss the newsletter in email? You can find them here, too! Here’s the newsletter from Tuesday, February 16, 2021.

When Michelle first approached me with the idea for Pipe Wrench, we’d both initially assumed I’d sign on to do audience development. That’s what I’ve done in the past. That’s what a new publication needs most, right? An audience. Plans to make an impact. A community to serve.

A new publication needs new readers, along with new editors, new contributors, and new artists. But what it needs most is a path to sustainability.

Continue reading “Why Have a Director of Sustainability?”

“Where do you think that comes from?”

Miss the newsletter in email? You can find them here, too! Here’s the newsletter from Tuesday, February 9, 2021.

As Catherine and I were brainstorming what insights to shower you with this week, she suggested talking about fears and doubts. Which immediately supplanted any other ideas (long-term plans, why this project at this time), because hello, let me count the ways I fear and doubt.

Continue reading ““Where do you think that comes from?””

If Someone’s Indispensable,Treat Them Like They Matter

Miss the newsletter in email? You can find them here, too! Here’s the newsletter from Tuesday, February 2, 2021.

One of the first things we agreed on for Pipe Wrench was that we wanted to respect our contributors as much as we respect our readers. A magazine where you’ll always find something fascinating to read? Yes. And a magazine that supports creators editorially and financially.

Continue reading “If Someone’s Indispensable,Treat Them Like They Matter”