Welcome to the fat issue.

No. 6, Spring 2022

Medical fatphobia isn’t the result of providers not knowing the cheat codes for working with fat patients. Doctors didn’t all miss the day in medical school where students were taught how not to be cruel to fat people. Fatphobia is medicine’s status quoSpring 2022’s feature:

No Health, No Care

Marquisele Mercedes
6,187 words | a 26-minute read

Hello again, or for the first time. Here’s a small welcome from a big editor.

There’s some full-bodied conversation here.
Pun fully intended.

Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Monica Kriete reframes the public health crisis: it’s not an obesity epidemic, it’s an anti-fatness epidemic.

A Big Fat (True) Pop Quiz

Michelle Weber wants you to try and make sense of a lifetime of medical malpractice. (Spoilers: you can’t!)

Once Upon an Ovary

Victoria Abraham on summers at Bulgarian fat camp, the ovary she hardly knew, and the doctors who wouldn’t listen.

We Care a Lot

Chef Fresh Roberson finds that care and community can help mitigate our deepest fears, one act of love at a time.

The Story of Your Body

Caroline Moore, mom and fat person, writes to a daughter who’s still whole, but on the precipice of diet culture.

Deep Breaths

Katta Spiel is in the waiting room, preparing to have their needs overlooked and their worries ignored. Again.

Field Notes from a Fatty

Athia Choudhury questions our investment in thinness. Who is made happier or freer when we thwart our own appetites?

The Urge to Burn

Ali Thompson takes down diet culture with its own trappings, plus construction paper, scissors, and a glue stick.

Each issue of Pipe Wrench publishes one great longform piece paired with reactions, digressions, asides, and ephemera: the unforgettable story, the excited conversation, and the 3AM rabbit hole, all in one. Made by people given fair pay and contracts, and supported editorially and as human beings.

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Hate loss has never been easier! These three simple steps are completely cost- and harm-free!

Read fat performer and poet Rachel Wiley over breakfast.

Three Acts for Cass Elliot

Read fat poet and organizer Aurielle Marie with lunch.

Freedom Song No. 28

Read fat organizer and abolitionist Da’Shaun Harrison at dinner.

Belly of the Beast: Excerpts

To keep dropping hate, make a long-term, sustainable lifestyle change like replacing your
current to-read pile with fat liberationist and scholar Rachel Fox‘s reading list:

Valuing Fatness

Hate loss has never been easier! These three simple steps are completely cost- and harm-free!

Read fat activist poet and performer Rachel Wiley over breakfast: Three Acts for Cass Elliot

Read fat poet and organizer Aurielle Marie with lunch: Freedom Song No. 28

Read fat organizer and abolitionist Da’Shaun Harrison at dinner: Belly of the Beast: Two Excerpts

To keep dropping hate, make a long-term, sustainable lifestyle change like replacing your current to-read pile with fat liberationist and scholar Rachel Fox‘s reading list:

Valuing Fatness: A Fat Studies Reading List

Cigarettes? Meth? Mystery “treatment”? Physical mutilation?

A brief visual history of things the diet-industrial complex thinks are a better idea than just being fat.

The Regulars

Sara Benincasa

Breai Mason-Campbell

Unlearn Your Own Fatphobia

Which problematic “good fatty” archetypes do you believe in?

Do you ever use stock photos? With diverse bodies? Resources exist.

Artists, here’s a collection of reference photos of real fat bodies.

Can fat people be fatphobic? Hell yes.

Listen to fat people. Do you use Twitter? Here’s a list.

If you’re a podcast person, try one of these: Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back, She’s All Fat, Burnt Toast, or More Than Tracy Turnblad.

The bad news: pediatricians are fatphobic, too.

The good news: doctors can change.

Also: Abortion access is a fat rights issue. And emergency contraception doesn’t work the same or as effectively on larger bodies.

The Regulars

Our Bodies, Our George
Sara Benincasa

Another Body On Another Slab
Soraya Roberts

Naked, and Unashamed
Breai Mason-Campbell

Unpack Your Own Fatphobia

There are no good fatties and bad fatties, just fat people. Which of the stereotypical “good fatty” archetypes do you believe in?

Do you ever use stock photos? Do they feature different kinds of bodies? They should. Resources exist.

Here’s another. And here’s a collection of reference photos of real fat bodies for artists and illustrations.

Can fat people be fatphobic? Hell yes — we all live surrounded by the same fatphobia miasma.

A key step: Listen to fat people. Do you use Twitter? Here’s a list to follow.

If you’re a podcast person, try Unsolicited: Fatties Talk Back, She’s All Fat, Burnt Toast, or More Than Tracy Turnblad.

The bad news: pediatricians are fatphobic, too.The good news: doctors can change.

Also: Abortion access is a fat rights issue. And emergency contraception doesn’t work the same or as effectively on larger bodies. Pass it on!

“If you want to challenge fatphobia, you have to start with the understanding that fat people are worthy of respect, safety, and dignity. A ‘but’ cannot follow this statement.”

Happy Almost-Birthday, Us

The Ellie ceremony was last week, and Pipe Wrench was there. What will we accomplish in Year Two? We can only assume a Nobel. If you hadn’t heard the first dozen times, this barely-one-year-old magazine…

keep reading
Not ready to stop reading? Browse past issues:
a drawing of nesting dollars, each one a Black woman. the outermost doll wears a shirt that says "I can't breathe" and has tears leaking from her eyes

no. 1

The Race and Empathy Issue

no. 2

The Somersaulting Pigeon Issue

An illustration showing a woman's sillhoutte, colored in to look like water, sinking in to the earth. Above her, grinning mad stands in a wheat field clutching a fistful of money.

no. 3

The Indigenous Land Stewardship Issue

A red-and-black drawing featuring a large face with horns, a crown, flames, and snakes

no. 4

The Looming Apocalypse Issue

A brightly-colored illustration of a retro movie theater popcorn popper, with a bucket full of popcorn

no. 5

The Movies and Popcorn Issue

Not ready to stop reading? Browse past issues:

no. 1: The Race and Empathy Issue
no 2. The Acrobatic Pigeon Issue
no. 3: The Indigenous Lands Issue
no. 4: The Looming Apocalypse Issue
no. 5: The Movies and Popcorn Issue

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