Because our contributors put out great things in other places, and we don’t expect you to wait until April to read things again.
Here’s some of what they’ve loosed upon the world lately:
Anna Sulan Masing (issue three’s “From the River Where the Present Tries to Talk to the Past”) cofounded a magazine of her own last year, the second (beautiful) issue is now available with the third dropping in May, and it’s about one of the very best things a magazine can be about: Cheese.
Kaite Goh (issue four’s “A Fictional Life Raft for Surviving What Comes Next”) has a book available from 404Ink that digs deep into apocalyptic fiction and its interplay with contemporary anxieties: The End: Surviving the World Through Imagined Disasters.
Kristina Daniele (issue one’s “The Questions That Opened Me Up”) continues her critical education work with an updated resource for engaging kids around racism, discrimination, and social justice. Welcome to our bookshelves, Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of Past and Present Social Justice Issues in America
Laurie Penny (issue three’s “It Was That or Starve”) is simultaneously incredibly angry and incredibly hopeful, which makes her incredibly fulfilling to read. Her next book drops in April. Preorder Sexual Revolution: Modern Fascism and the Feminist Fightback.
Nyasha Junior (issue one’s “Gal”) has a chapter in a new book from Columbia University Press, The Sexual Politics of Black Churches — “Jephthah’s Daughter and #SayHerName” looks at how violence against an unnamed woman in the Hebrew Bible and state-sponsored violence against Black women in the U.S, and at the expendability of certain bodies.
Rebecca May Johnson (issue five’s “A Palace for the People”) launched her new newsletter and podcast, Dinner Document, last week. Slow way down, get some dinner ideas, and sink into comforting and beautiful writing.
Taylor Byas (issue four’s “Thy Father, Thy Mother”) has a new chapbook coming out, and preorder info will be available tomorrow — follow Madhouse Press for more info on (and for a sneak peek at the cover of) Shutter.
You can also find regular dispatches from columnists Sara Benincasa (“The Medicinal Power of Movie Snacks”) at Medium and Soraya Roberts (last column: “The Establishment Owes Me a Snickers”) at Defector, and read more from Chrissy Stroop (issue four’s “Goodbye End Times”) each week at openDemocracy.
(Twitter users: You can also follow all tweeting contributors in one fell swoop! We made a handy list.)